Memorial Messages

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In-House Messages
A-1) “I close my eyes and twirl about, my soul feels lighter than air, I may be gone from this world, but our love we’ll always share”.
A-2) “Terrible cook and even worse gardener, but no better companion could one have”.
A-3) “To love with all your heart, to feel truly love by another, is the blessed life story told by our mother”.
A-4) “Darkness turned to light, the days ambled by, the light faded away, but love never dies”.
A-5) “I sat at the water’s edge, while the moon glistened above, and all I could remember of my life was never ending love”.
A-6) “I danced in the moonlight, I raced with the wind, I loved with a full heart and I sang loudly to the end”.
A-7) “I leave this world wanting for not. My heart is full, my soul is nourished. Love, kindness, family and friends. I am contented with my lot”.
A-8) “In the winter of my life, let me not mourn the battles lost, but be thankful for the victories won”.
A-9) “Death is not a battle lost, but a victory won for the soul. For without a certain death, why bother to grow old”.
A-10) “In death, love is the only treasure the Lord allows us to keep”.
A-11) “I climbed the highest mountain, to see what I could see, the forest tops, the valley below and a hint of the deep blue sea”.
A-12) “Our hearts will forever mourn the loss of our mother, daughter and wife”.
A-13) “Our hearts will forever mourn the loss of our father, son and husband”.
A-14). “Sit quietly, I’m listening to the birds sing, their voices are so sweet. Rejoice with me in the glory of the Lord and the joy of eternal peace”.
A-15) “A gardener’s work is never done, as my garden is now 10 fold. With flowers and trees, butterflies and bees and glorious rainbows made of gold”.
A-16) “We laugh, we sing, we dance, we cry and than it’s time to leave; how thankful am I for the moments of my life, and for all those who truly loved me”.
A-17) “Wonderful wife, mother and daughter. She was truly loved and will be forever missed”.
A-18) “Wonderful father, husband and son. He was truly loved and will be forever missed”.
A-19) “Endings are simply new beginnings, filled with the magic of the unknown”.
A-20) “The Lord whispered in my ear, He missed me dearly it seemed, but don’t despair, as we shall dance forever in our dreams”
A-21) “I shall wait patiently, until we are together again”.
Appropriate For Children:
C-1) “Shhh.. please don’t wake me, I’m in the middle of my nap. Dreaming of wonderful things, while cradled in mommy’s lap”.
C-2) “I shall sit patiently under the big oak tree, counting butterflies and honey bees, until once again it’s just us three, mommy, daddy and me”.
C-3) “Scattered toys across the floor, the sweet smell of mommy’s perfume, my daddy’s arms lifting me in the air, I shall miss you both to the stars and moon”.
C-4) “Scattered toys across the floor, the sweet smell of my mommy’s perfume, my daddy’s arms lifting me in the air, I went home to the Lord too, soon”.
C-5) “I am forever my mother’s and father’s child; I was loved, I was wanted and I was safe. No child’s life was more blessed than mine”.
C-6) “I am forever my mommy’s and daddy’s child; I was loved, I was wanted and I was safe. No child’s life was more blessed than mine.
C-7) “I may be small and not very tall, I might not seem like much at all. But I am love, I am light and I am the brightest star at night”.
C-6) “I close my eyes and twirl about, my soul feels lighter than air, I may be gone from this world, but our hearts remember the love we shared”.
C-8) “I flew away, so that I could play, in God’s heaven forever”.
C-9) “I went away, so that I could play, in God’s heaven everyday”.
Bible Verses
BV-1) Psalm 84:12
LORD Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.
BV-2) Psalm 100
For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
BV-3) Psalm 3:2-6
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
BV-4) Psalm 23
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
BV-5) Psalm 23
Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
BV-6) Psalm 34
Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.
BV-7) Psalm 27
The LORD is my light and my salvation.
BV-8) Psalm 24:5
“He shall receive the blessings from the Lord and righteousness from the God of His salvation”
BV-9) Psalm 34:4
“I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears”
BV-10) Psalm 96:4
“For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised, he is to be feared above all Gods.”
BV-11) Psalm 103:1
“Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name.”
BV-12) John 3:15
“That whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”
BV-13) Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
BV-14) Matthew 28:20
“I Am With You Always”
Standard Front Selection * Size Below: 14 PT
Tahoma: A B C D E F G H I J “The Day Is Long And Filled With Joy”
Palatino: A B C D E F G H I J “The Day Is Long And Filled With Joy”
Verdana: A B C D E F G H I J “The Day Is Long And Filled With Joy”
Monotype Corsiva: A B C D E F G H I J “The Day Is Long And Filled With Joy”
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